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Portable Stack Gas Monitoring System

A Compact and Temporary CEMS

The PG-300 is a compact, rugged, and lightweight stack gas analyzer that can simultaneously measure up to five separate gas components NOx, CO, CO2, O2, SO2, NH4.

Its capability of providing precise measurement has been proven for field measurements and also for laboratory applications.

Explore HORIBA's Principle of Measurements

Discover the unique features and applications of the PG-300 Series

  • The NOx analysis unit uses a Cross-flow modulation chemiluminescence detection method; the SO2, CO, and CH4 units use a Cross-flow modulation Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption method; CO2 unit uses a standard Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption method; and the O2 unit uses zirconia method, galvanic method, and paramagnetic method for exclusively in EU area.
  • PG-300 is comparable to large-scale, specialized units in terms of accuracy and offers a high degree of selectivity in the analysis. 
  • The cross-flow modulation method requires no optical adjustments as dual optical path measurement does because sample gas and reference gas flow into a single measurement cell switching one by one. Since clean air is fed into the sample cell in between each batch of sample gas, the cell remains clean which reduces the span drift and keeps long-time stability.
  • New methane (CH4) analyzer models are suitable for expanded applications such as biomass combustion or fuel cell.
  • The 95% efficiency of the NOx converter enables a more precise measurement.

Discover more with the PG-300 Webinar Session from HORIBA Experts ⬇️

Explore HORIBA's analytical capabilities with additional Emission Monitoring Solutions

HORIBA Process and Environmental

For over 75 years, HORIBA has been providing a wide range of Gas, Air, and Water Analysis Technologies to meet Environmental Regulations around the world.

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